Money has a certain kind of amnesty.
Unprecedented amnesty in history of Georgia took place
I oppose amnesty, I oppose citizenship, I oppose legalization for illegal aliens. I always have and I always will.
Anybody that brings up amnesty in this Congress, we need to just take the scarlet 'A' for amnesty and pin it on them.
We went 60 years or more with no immigration, folks. It can be done. The only reason that it started up again, Ted Kennedy started bellyaching about it in the mid-sixties, and then that led to Simpson-Mazzoli 20 years later, 1986, amnesty for about 3.9 million, and we were told that would be it, never again, and of course now we're where we are.
I think an amnesty program... which is what the president (George W. Bush) has proposed... those are reasonable proposals.
[Donald Trump] has said that very consistently [about border], the contrast with Hillary Clinton, who supports amnesty, open borders, who wants to implement executive amnesty again on day one, even though the Supreme Court of the United States rejected it, and Hillary Clinton, who wants to increase refugees from the terrorist-torn country of Syria by 550 percent.
One of the things was to create a kind of amnesty environment.'re never going to have a legal immigration system that works if you grant amnesty.
Donald Trump's against amnesty and I'm against amnesty, not that anybody should care what a consultant thinks.
We have had this happen in the past, right in Colombia: there were amnesties for everybody, guerrilla members were elected mayors, senators. Today there are senators who are - who were previously guerrillas.
3 "amnesty" didn't mean rewarding illegal behavior.
Hillary Clinton has pledged amnesty in her first 100 days, and her plan will provide Obamacare, Social Security, and Medicare for illegal immigrants, breaking the federal budget.
[Hillary] Clinton has also pledged to add a third executive amnesty.
Hillary Clinton has pledged to keep both of these illegal amnesty programs, including the 2014 amnesty which has been blocked by the United States Supreme Court. Great.
Hillary CLinton wants to expand illegal executive amnesty, which would be really - shred - it would shred our Constitution.
This is a guy [Donald Trump] who has been very consistent on no amnesty, no legalization, for folks who have been coming to the country illegally.
No one believed [the 1986 amnesty for illegal aliens] was tough enough on illegal immigration, and it didn't give enough flexibility on future legal immigration.
I'm not for amnesty. I've never been for amnesty, will never be for amnesty.
If you want to find a way to keep illegal immigrants, you know where they are, you give them a driver's license. It helps with - they all get insured, it helps with traffic safety. I believe education is the key. Yeah, I was for kids of illegal immigrants, if they fulfill the same academic requirements as New Mexico kids, to be eligible for a scholarship. I believe we have to bring the 12 million undocumented workers out of the shadows, set up a standard where they speak English, if they pass background checks, pay back taxes, obey the laws, embrace American values, give them a chance, a path to citizenship, not amnesty.