Analysis Quotes - Page 2
Brian L. Silver (2000). “The Ascent of Science”, p.506, Oxford University Press, USA
Tom DeMarco (1978). “Structured analysis and system specification”, Yourdon Press
"The message of the carillon: and other addresses". Book by William Lyon Mackenzie King, 1927.
Benjamin Graham (2009). “The Intelligent Investor, Rev. Ed”, p.35, Harper Collins
Mikhail Botvinnik (2012). “Botvinnik: 100 Selected Games”, p.11, Courier Corporation
"Oeuvres completes". Book by Augustin-Louis Cauchy (Serie 2, Tome 6, "Sur un nouveau genre de calcul analogue au Calcul infinitésimal", pp. 23-37, translated), 1826.
Hans Urs von Balthasar (2016). “Prayer”, p.101, Ignatius Press
Interview with Charlie Rose, November 14, 2001.
Oscar Wilde (2007). “Epigrams of Oscar Wilde”, p.27, Wordsworth Editions
Dorothy Hodgkin (1994). “The collected works of Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin”
Dorothy Hodgkin, Guy Dodson (1994). “The collected works of Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin”
Clifford Geertz (1973). “The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays”, p.29, Basic Books
Analysis Is the Critical Starting Point of Strategic Thinking
Kenichi Ohmae (1982). “The Mind Of The Strategist: The Art of Japanese Business”, McGraw Hill Professional