Presumably what happened to Jesus was what happens to all of us when we die. We decompose. Accounts of Jesus's resurrection and ascension are about as well-documented as Jack and the Beanstalk.
Death is an ascension to a better library.
Can you imagine if everyone on the planet turned off their TV to stop the intake of fear from the news channels and just concentrated on love? The whole planet would instantly propel itself into the ascension process and turn into a heavenly state in a higher vibratory dimension!
The task of the Church after Jesus' resurrection and ascension was to proclaim the forgiveness of sins to all nations.
Jesus' epic work through his sinless life, atoning death, resurrection, and ascension, and the sending of the Spirit, was so that God could have an ethnically diverse family of Jews and Gentiles.
Angels and Airwaves shows are like an ascension to Heaven.
The Ascension is actually the birth of the Inner You expressed as the spiritual individualism of the inner particle state.