You think about taking audiences on a journey.
All audiences should be slightly off balance.
It's the adrenaline rush you only get from being in front of an audience. It's addictive.
If you don't get feedback from your performers and your audience, you're going to be working in a vacuum.
An audience shouldn't listen with complacency.
I don't know if I ever really considered making a connection with the audience.
When you start, it's not to do with the material so much. It's more to do with how you can control a crowd and make friends with an audience and sell your brand of humor.
Over time, quality work will lead to an audience for your work.
The Top 40 is geared toward 20 and under, not 20 and up. That's the audience I'm geared to
If the audience doesn't like it, usually they're just silent. But they've never all walked out at once.
My gay audience has been with me from the beginning.
I have no idea what the audience makes of me.
Very hard to get an audience. So if you're going to fill the theatre, you can't just rely on old stuff.
Audiences have kept me alive.
The audience doesn't care that most of happened. They just want a good movie.
I don't know, I think the crowds are even more responsive now because the audiences are skewing younger.
I make American films for American audiences and Asian films for Asian audiences.
In truth, I never consider the audience for whom I'm writing. I just write what I want to write.
People who write for reward by way of recognition or monetary gain don't know what they're doing. They're in the category of those who write; they are not writers. Writing is simply something you must do. It's rather like virtue in that it is its own reward. Writing is selfish and contradictory in its terms. First of all, you're writing for an audience of one, you must please the one person you're writing for. Yourself.
I'm not really a blockbuster, I'm not a member of that audience really.
It appeared as if I had invited the audience into the water with me, and it conveyed the sensation that being in there was absolutely delicious
The sheer force of the music calls for a wild audience reaction.
When you sell a product or service, you're making a promise to your audience. If you don't understand your audience, you'll never be able to keep that promise and you'll ultimately let them down.
Find the audience, be excellent, and you will be fine.
The audience requires not information but drama.