Our strong suit is what we do, and our audience.
I like a movie that the audience actively has to participate in, and not just casually observe. Whatever my part in it, just as an audience member, I find that exciting.
I want to show audiences I can act.
Prolonged statistics are a lethal dose, which if it does not kill will certainly dispel your audience.
Diverse audiences can be just as misled as homogenous audiences.
The Japanese seem to be a loyal audience.
I don't have a director. The audience directs me.
I'm watching the show and I'm watching the audience watch the show. Because once you leave the rehearsal room, you have space and you can see it. You can watch them watch it. You can't see your work, really, until you're in the theater. You have no perspective. That's not part of my job, to go, "Oh my God, they're so brilliant." I'm not required to swoon.
I'm terrified of improv. Improv in a show or in front of an audience sounds terrifying.
I love audiences. My God, the best friends in the world!
When the movie's on, I usually watch more of the audience.
Don’t just create content to get credit for being clever — create content that will be helpful, insightful, or interesting for your target audience.
I want to do what I want when I want to do it not be dictated to by audiences.
And if you can channel the truth of your own experience onto the stage, that's what the audience wants to see.
My audience is much more center right, or centrist.
American audiences are affected by what the English people think.
I was playing catch with the European audience.
I like performing. I like partnering with an audience.
Don't dumb it down. The audience is smart and gets what you are doing.
I get to hear the really good or the really bad things in the press, but I don't read it. I can afford to say that because public opinion does not drive U2's audience.
The audience is the barometer of the truth.
The best part about being a stand-up is the connection with the audience. There's nothing more gratifying then when you can make 300 people applaud and stand up - because that's all you.
You instinctively discover how to entertain an audience.
Costumes and scenery alone will not attract audiences.
I always like to be a step ahead of the audience by surprising them and the best way to do that is to not hold back.