The parts I enjoy playing aren't really available to me. So I have to write them.
But actors at a certain point take the best of what's available to them.
There a great ethnic cuisine available to you in Chicago.
So DeCSS didn't introduce anything new for pirating and had already been available.
The internet is necessarily public. It can be filtered-public or censored-public, but it necessarily has to be open and available.
I find you have to come as litmus paper and be available to whatever way you can be.
When I am willing, all sound is available to me.
Never once have I thought that Social Security would be something that would ever be available to me.
By giving words to these intimate experiences I can make my life available to others.
He has found himself more and more reliant on her at exactly the point that she has become less available to him.
Even though I wanted to experience all these things I was interested in, I couldn't get them. So I had to think critically and culturally about what was available.
I am a freelancer. My services are available to anyone at any time.
The choices we make now affect the opportunities available in the future
I try to be alert and available. I try to be available for life to happen to me.
I used practically all the money I had available.
There was a time where I chose my jobs based on what jobs were available to me, so I would choose 100 percent of them.
The things most worth wanting are not available everywhere all the time.
When dealing in the technology, it becomes a question of whether you overuse something. I think that's worse than having something technologically available to you and not using it.