
Bees Quotes

The honey is sweet, but the Bee stings.

George Herbert, Izaak Walton, Barnabas Oley (1848). “The Remains of that Sweet Singer of The Temple, George Herbert ...”, p.255

To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, -

Emily Dickinson, Helen Vendler (2010). “Dickinson”, p.522, Harvard University Press

Save the trees, save the bees, save the whales, save those snails.

George Carlin (2002). “Napalm & Silly Putty”, Hyperion

The Honey is sweet, but the Bee has a Sting.

Benjamin Franklin (1987). “Poor Richard's Almanack: Being the Choicest Morsels of Wisdom, Written During the Years of the Almanack's Publication”, p.67, Peter Pauper Press, Inc.

Honor all living things, for we are of the stag, and the salmon, and the bee; so destroy not life, save it be to preserve your own.

Scott Cunningham (2011). “Cunningham's Book of Shadows: The Path of An American Traditionalist”, p.19, Llewellyn Worldwide

Such simple instincts as bees making a beehive could be sufficient to overthrow my whole theory.

Charles Darwin (2015). “Darwin on Evolution: Words of Wisdom from the Father of Evolution”, p.6, Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.