Book Quotes - Page 255
Show me a character totally without anxieties and I will show you a boring book.
Margaret Atwood (1990). “Margaret Atwood: Conversations”, Princeton, N.J. : Ontario Review Press
Marcel Proust (2000). “In Search of Lost Time, Volume I: Swann's Way (A Modern Library E-Book)”, p.131, Modern Library
Zedong Mao (1967). “Speech at the Chinese Communist Party's National Conference on Propaganda Work: March 12, 1957”
"Message to the Grass Roots" (speech), Detroit, Mich., 10 Nov. 1963
Malcolm X (2015). “The Autobiography of Malcolm X”, p.388, Ballantine Books
Mahatma Gandhi, General Press (2014). “My Experiments with Truth: An Autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi”, p.117, GENERAL PRESS
Mahatma Gandhi (1978). “Hindu Dharma”, p.120, Orient Paperbacks
"Song: 'Same Love'". 2012.