
Brightness Quotes

Let's be cheerful! We have no more right to steal the brightness out of the day for our own family than we have to steal the purse of a stranger.

Laura Ingalls Wilder, Stephen W. Hines (2008). “Laura Ingalls Wilder, farm journalist: writings from the Ozarks”, University of Missouri

The sun provides the moon with its brightness.

Fragment in Plutarch De facie in or be lunae, 929b.

He that will enjoy the brightness of sunshine, must quit the coolness of the shade.

Samuel Johnson (1825). “The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.”, p.240

More than anything, one is struck by the light. Light everywhere. Brightness everywhere. Everywhere, the sun.

Ryszard Kapuscinski (2016). “The Beginning: Collision, Ghana, 1958”, p.6, Vintage

You are all the colors in one, at full brightness.

FaceBook post by Jennifer Niven from Jun 29, 2016

One can make a day of any size

John Muir, Linnie Marsh Wolfe (1979). “John of the Mountains: The Unpublished Journals of John Muir”, p.218, Univ of Wisconsin Press