I keep waiting, like in the cartoons, for an anvil to drop on my head.
Theres a fine line between playing a dim-witted character and playing a cartoon.
I've always wanted to do an adult cartoon, because I want a job where you can just drive up in your pajamas, have a cup of tea and not even get dressed, and you've gone to work for the day. What a great gig!
I think a play can do almost anything, because it's also a static form, much more so than in a movie. In a movie you can move the scenery, you can do anything any way. A cartoon, happens in a limited amount of space and a limited amount of time, and you can only get so many words before the reader's gonna get impatient. All of these forms that I enjoy are in a sense a slight of hand, where you have to suggest much more than you really show. You have to, in a sense, seduce the reader and trick the reader or the audience into going with you.
We've seen the uproars around the world concerning cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammad. Anyone who does not think comic strips are relevant never had a fatwa put on him/her for drawing a picture.
PowerPoint is like being trapped in the style of early Egyptian flatland cartoons rather than using the more effective tools of Renaissance visual representation.
The whole Gorillaz concept is one for mavericks; it's a way for people who never have a chance to work together being able to ally behind the cartoons.
Cincinnati at that time was also beginning to realize it had major cartooning talent in Jim Borgman, at the city's other paper, and I didn't benefit from the comparison.His footsteps seemed like good ones to follow, so I cultivated an interest in politics, and Borgman helped me a lot in learning how to construct an editorial cartoon. Neither of us dreamed I'd end up in the same town on the opposite paper.
I had rather, if cruelty has been prevented by the four prints [The Four Stages of Cruelty], be maker of them than of the [Raphael] cartoons.
I love Saturday morning cartoons. What do you like to do on a Saturday morning?
I take great pride in the artistic development of cartoons. Our characters are made to go through emotions.
My cartoons appear in newspapers, which are full of words, but there's something about having it in this little box that confounds people's expectations.
We are all God's animated cartoons.
You cannot go wrong with Bugs Bunny. He's the coolest cartoon character ever. I quote him all the time.
Many cartoons I've drawn have been controversial, perhaps a little before their time, certainly when I was getting started.
If you look at a cartoon on a computer screen, it really jumps and can be quite effective.
For a young cartoonist, they have to get going on the web, because that's where everybody goes for their information. And it really works.
A good cartoon, what it does, is sum up a situation, very neatly, as opposed to reading a lot of articles and so on.
I love CNN. I love the Cartoon Network. I mean, I thought these things up.
If the cartoon were completely accurate, though, life would be a cacophany of spoinks.
I enjoy the fact that we have these mobile comics now, which are sort of a cross between a comic book and an animated cartoon.
I always loved cartoons but the process seemed so difficult. Then I told myself, "Nothing good comes easy." So, I took a plunge and started my first animation stint in 2003.
The fantasy which serves as a support for the figure of the Stalinist Communist is therefore exactly the same as the fantasy which is at work in the Tom and Jerry cartoons.
I think the world is a series of broken dams and floods, and my cartoons are tiny little lifeboats.
I had - I was pretty hell bent on getting into the cartoon business specifically as an artist from the get-go.