
Chance Quotes - Page 66

Every breath is a new beginning and a new chance.

Julia Gregson (2012). “Jasmine Nights: A Novel”, p.312, Simon and Schuster

Ask yourself whether you are happy and you cease to be so. The only chance is to treat not happiness, but some end external to it, as the purpose of life.

John Stuart Mill, Thomas Carlyle (2010). “Autobiography of J.S. Mill & on Liberty; Characteristics, Inaugural Address at Edinburgh & Sir Walter Scott”, p.94, Cosimo, Inc.

Not only do the brave get killed, but the brave have a better chance of it.

John Steinbeck (2008). “The Winter of Our Discontent”, p.188, Penguin

Lette me stande to the maine chance.

John Lyly, Leah Scragg (2003). “John Lyly: Selected Prose and Dramatic Work”, p.65, Psychology Press

Nought venture nought have.

John Heywood (1562). “The Proverbs, Epigrams, and Miscellanies of John Heywood ...”, p.417