Character Quotes - Page 63

There is no sociology worthy of the name which does not possess a historical character.
Emile Durkheim (2014). “The Rules of Sociological Method: And Selected Texts on Sociology and its Method”, p.160, Simon and Schuster
Good breeding in cattle depends on physical health, but in men on a well-formed character.
"Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers: A Complete Translation of the Fragments in Diels Fragmente Der Vorsokratiker", translated by Kathleen Freeman, Harvard University Press, (p. 151), 1948.
Speech to the American Bar Association, September 02, 1925.
Charles Alexander Eastman, Michael Oren Fitzgerald (2007). “The Essential Charles Eastman (Ohiyesa): Light on the Indian World”, p.23, World Wisdom, Inc
Camille Pissarro, John Rewald (1963). “Camille Pissarro”, Harry N Abrams Inc
Reality is as thin as paper and betrays with all its cracks its imitative character.
Bruno Schulz, Jonathan Safran Foer, David Goldfarb (2008). “The street of crocodiles and other stories”, Penguin Classics
Benjamin Robert Haydon, Frederick Wordsworth Haydon (1876). “Correspondence and Table-talk: With a Memoir”, p.467
Alexander Pope (1835). “The Works of Alexander Pope: With a Memoir of the Author, Notes, and Critical Notes on Each Poem”, p.124
Adoniram Judson Gordon (1897). “Yet Speaking: A Collection of Addresses”