Every cow in the world, you know, when they do what they do, you've got more carbon dioxide.
I live in Dublin, God knows why. There are greatly more congenial places I could have settled in - Italy, France, Manhattan - but I like the climate here, and Irish light seems to be essential for me and for my writing.
I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element. It is my personal approach that creates the climate.
I know I should be leaving this climate, I've got a verse, but can't rhyme it.
Carbon is the currency of how you measure climate change, but water will be the teeth.
It’s always interesting to me to tell stories that come from difficult political climates.
Today's new climate policy is like delivering the final divorce papers to the public and the world, ... And it is divorced from the reality of global warming.
The most recent science including from Jim Hansen, the foremost climate scientist, suggests that we could see as much as, according to his study, meters' worth [of sea-level rise] - that is nine, 12, 15 and more - as soon as 50 years from his study.
They [Democrats and Republicans] agree with each other on either doing nothing or giving lip service to climate change and the really transformative changes that need to happen.
The issues we address basically: We call for an emergency jobs program to address the emergency of climate change.
Hillary [Clinton] has the potential to do a whole lot more damage, get us into more wars, faster to pass her fracking disastrous climate program, much more easily than Donald Trump could do his.
If we're not in the debates there will be no real discussion of climate change, because Hillary Clinton's policy does not begin to address the threat.
It's about improving the business climate to give people a better chance of succeeding.
The Republicans are committed to global warming as a hoax, or irrelevant, or as not a problem. That is their belief. I'm not going to put them in jail. All I can do is talk and encourage good climate actions and demonstrate our economy has benefited here [in California].
I was...labelled as an advocate because...I measured something.
I have not made any suggestions about climate change. This is more about blending or shifting the conversation about the environment versus the economy. It's just such an old, outdated conversation.
The consequences of man-made climate change are real and very significant.
Climate change isnʼt a distant threat. Itʼs already changing the way we live.
The question is not, "Is climate change happening?" Nor is the question, "Is climate change man-made?" Rather, we need to realize itʼs already here, and start asking, "What are we going to do about it?"
Some studies have shown that natural gas could, in fact, be worse for the climate than coal.
Among all the tests President Obama faced in his first term, his biggest failure was climate change.
Obama's record on climate issues is not all bad.
When it comes to climate and energy, Gates is a radical consumerist. In his view, energy consumption is good - it just needs to be clean energy.
Climate change is a global issue - from the point of view of the Earth's climate, a molecule of CO2 emitted in Bejing is the same as a molecule emitted in Sydney.
That, by the way, is perhaps the most ludicrous comment I've ever heard, that climate change is a bigger threat to our country than radical Islamic terrorism.