I say the one thing Hillary Clinton has over me is experience, but it's bad experience, because what she has done has turned out badly.
We will have a massive, massive tax increase under Hillary Clinton's plan.
Hillary Clinton's plan is going to raise taxes and even double your taxes. Her tax plan is a disaster.
Hillary Clinton has been outsmarted and outplayed worse than anybody I've ever seen in any government whatsoever.
Putin has outsmarted Hillary Clinton in Syria.
I think that [Mike] Pence is entirely capable of doing that. I think he's willing to do it. I don't know what their strategery is on this. I would hope there aren't any - [Hillary Clinton] is the nominee, for crying out loud. She is the opposition. She is who we go after.
I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary's [Clinton] people had something to do with putting them on these evenings because that's what she did to Bernie Sanders.
Keeping Crooked Hillary Clinton out of the White House!
Hillary Clinton has jeopardized. Totally jeopardized national security by putting her e-mails on a private server, all to hide her corrupt dealings.
I deplore the death and destruction she [Hillary Clinton] caused-stupidity.
If I'm so fortunate to be chosen, I think I'll do very well. I will do everything in my power to beat Hillary Clinton, I promise you.
Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt politician ever to seek the office of the presidency.
The Barack Obama administration had been negotiating with the Canadians to come up with a permanent solution on lumber tariff. And they failed. And so even though this is being portrayed as the first salvo by Donald Trump's tough trade regime, in fact, it's quite possible that, if Hillary Clinton were president, we would be in the same place.
The only thing Hillary Clinton has going for herself is the press, without the press, she is absolutely zero.
Hillary Clinton is given approval and veto power over quotes written about her in the New York Times.
Nobody, nobody, perhaps in the history of politics was worse to women or abused women more than Bill Clinton.
No secretary of state has been more wrong more often and in more places that Hillary Clinton. Her decision spread death, destruction, and terrorism everywhere she touched.
Hillary Clinton's campaign slogan is, "I'm with her." You know what my response is to that? "I'm with you, the American people."
Hillary Clinton gets rich making you poor.
I tell you one thing, Hillary Clinton tried to make a deal. She had the reset. She gave all that valuable uranium away, she did other things away. They say I'm close to Russia. Hillary Clinton gave away 20% of the uranium. She's close to Russia. You know what I gave to Russia? You know what I gave?
Hillary Clinton is taken in massive amounts of money from foreign countries and other things.
It is now abundantly clear that the Clintons set up a business to profit from public office. They sold access and specific actions by and really for I guess the making of large amounts of money.
It is impossible to figure out where the Clinton Foundation ends and the State Department begins.
Hillary Clinton has no instinct.
Hillary Clinton is not a winner.