Hillary Clinton is the least popular candidate for president ever except for Donald Trump.
I never thought I'd miss Nancy Reagan. There can't be a rating [on the Clinton drug policy] when there hasn't been a performance.
Hillary Clinton has gotten every foreign policy challenge wrong.
Every single policy Hillary Clinton espouses and every single policy of President [Barack] Obama has been demonstrably bad for women!
[Donald] Trump is a [Hillary] Clinton Christmas gift.
I will force Hillary Clinton to fight on the ground of her foreign policy mistakes.
Religion is one of the fundaments of Hillary Clinton's character and politics.
I have a very, very hard time voting for Mrs. [Hillary] Clinton.
Hillary Clinton, as awful as I find her, is a survivable event. I'm not so sure about [Donald] Trump.
Millions of Americans have already convicted Mrs. Clinton on many, many things. They will never vote for her.
The Clintons opposed gay marriage. They did don't ask, don't tell. They did the Defense of Marriage Act.
Donald Trump in a church getting interrupted by the pastor because he started attacking Hillary Clinton.
I actually think that her [Hillary Clinton] numbers are artificially low.
I'm also disappointed in the Democrats that Hillary [Clintom] was the best they could get - It just keeps going back to Bush's and Clinton's - I'm sick of 'em! Even Jeb [Bush] was hanging in there for a minute.
Bill Clinton was relentless, eloquent and truly charming.
I have known Secretary [Hillary] Clinton for 25 years and respect her very much.
One of the issues I'm really happy about is that recently, Secretary Clinton and I worked out an agreement on higher education, making public colleges and universities tuition free for every family in America earning less than 125,000 bucks. Didn't go as far as I wanted. But that's 83 percent of the population in this country.
The CEO of large multi-nationals like Hillary [Clinton]. They won't going to like me and Wall Street is going to like me even less.
I do a lot of pivoting. There was one cover I did of Donald Trump, after he won Iowa, it seemed like it was over for him at the beginning of the primary process. I was given the go-ahead on it right away. I drew it and he won the next primary, and suddenly, the cover didn't make any sense. And then, after the Democratic National Convention, it seemed like he was finished, Hillary Clinton seemed to be gaining strength, so the cover ran then. So it seemed like you can come up with an idea and it can be rendered useless two days later and then all of a sudden it's relevant again.
Donald Trump is like Hillary Clinton said, a man you can bait with a tweet is not a man you can trust with nuclear weapons. You can`t do it.
Hillary Clinton was an outstanding secretary of state. She would never intentionally put America in any kind of jeopardy.
Hillary Clinton has been in politics for the same reason I am - because we can improve other people's lives by doing this work.
I can guarantee that not because I give Attorney General [Loretta] Lynch a directive. That is institutionally how we have always operated. I do not talk to the attorney general about pending investigations [On Hillary Clinton].
I do not talk to the FBI directors about pending investigations [on Hillary Clinton].
Donald Trump is a way better leader than Hillary Clinton.