Clinton masturbates in the sinks.
What actually happened during the Clinton presidency? No one can remember anything about it except the bimbos, the lies, and the felonies
I fear that Donald Trump will continue to be followed around by the media in its totality as he continues to rail against Hillary Clinton.
American election was really personal for Putin because he believed that Clinton is a personal enemy. He genuinely believed she was behind the Moscow protests in 2012, 2011.
I think Hillary Clinton's been's depressing democratic turnout.
Hillary Clinton is got to make the case for herself that nobody else can make, and for voters to see somebody who looks more three-dimensional, that's not simply a caricature that had been sort of a part of the American dialogue for the last 25 years.
If Hillary Clinton can be president, then one girl can be mayor.
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are on entirely different levels.
The substantive difference between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama is not really that great.
Hillary Clinton isn't that different from Obama in terms of policy.
The FBI's director's letter to Congress revealed that there were e-mails on Clinton aide Huma Abedin's computer, but that's just about it, just that there were emails, not much more information.
I'm a bit of a shill for the Clinton Administration, which has its perks. I'm invited to all the inaugural balls.
There was certainly merit to the criticism that the deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein had about how James Comey handled the Hillary Clinton investigation. And I don't think Director Comey ever adequately explained why he treated the Clinton investigation one way and the Trump investigation another.