The urgent necessity is to make a decision - whether or not it is right.
Obama had reached out to the business community, they just haven't liked all of his decisions and some of his rhetoric. But generally, I think the administration is quite open and accessible.
The history of lead is a history of neglect. It's a history of decisions on our part not to address the broad implications of what we did to ourselves during the industrial revolution and in the first part of the century when our cities expanded broadly, when we built our housing and we began to depend upon lead as a mainstay of our new industrial culture. We put this stuff in even though we knew it was dangerous, we knew it was going to hurt kids.
A lot of times it's tough to make the decision on your own. You know what you want to do and it always helps to have someone to rely on to help you out.
Dr. Martin Luther King was never a man to say 'I've got this' as the leader of the movement. He wasn't always sure that his decisions were correct, because he knew every decision he made was putting lives at risk, including his and his family's lives.
For many people with HIV, finding the right doctor is the most important decision they'll make.
The FCC has delayed the decision on the Time/Warner Comcast merger. So how do you think those folks like being put on hold?
The majority decision constitutionalizes a distinction between a red leather pouch and a paper bag that is necessarily based at least in some part on economic and class differences and perceptions.
It's true that most American citizens think of themselves as living in a democratic country. But when was the last time that any Americans actually sat down and came to a collective decision? Maybe if they are ordering pizzas, but basically never.
One of the things I wanted to do after three, prolonged movies is to do something that was really, kind-of knee-jerk decisions, and artistic instincts and strip down the process to more of a guttural level, and make something that wasn't so manicured and polished; wasn't quite so developed and supported, and just run wild with it and see what happens with it.
You know, trust in the press, polls show - from Pew and other places - have gone down significantly over the years. Maybe the press doesn't have that much ability to frame people's decisions.
I think there's been an overestimation of how much the press can shape coverage and people's decisions.
I still love Marvel to death and I had a great experience, and it was a really tough decision to leave Marvel. It was a very easy decision to come to DC; it was very difficult to leave Marvel. And I really wanted to draw Batman, and really, that was entirely the discussion when it came to coming to DC.
Being able to draw Batman was 100% of my decision to sign with DC.
Morale is a little bit dimmed, is a bit affected by the redundancy program. That program had been planned for quite some time, and when I took over it was really left to me to make the final decision and it clearly was the right thing to do for the business.
I don't make decisions based on money.
I stand by every decision I've made throughout my career and my life, good or bad, up or down.
I think choosing Steve Bannon as a chief strategist this is a stunning, historic decision for Donald Trump in a bad way. Stephen Bannon has said - and you`ve got to lay this out a little bit so people understand it - that he wanted Breitbart, the news service, the far-right news service, to be a platform for the alt-right.
I think it was right to remove Saddam Hussein. I think it was the right decision then and I still think it was right now.
Life tends to be an accumulation of a lot of mundane decisions, which often gets ignored.
It's a completely irrational decision to drop out of school.
People don't get a chance to think, "Why am I a consumer?" Because the decisions come at them so fast and furiously, they're not [even] given time to think, I am a consumer.
I don't regret the decision to retire. My body was losing its edge. I was taking longer to recover from injuries. You have to get out at some point.
We have a lot of problems in this country. It's going to put pressure on the budget and we're going to have to make some hard decisions. But the decisions we make are to prioritize the middle class.
I want to make decisions as to where I want to go as an artist, and to get to it in my own way