
Defects Quotes

In a true zero-defects approach, there are no unimportant items.

"Let's Talk Quality: 96 Questions You Always Wanted to Ask Phil Crosby". Book by Philip B. Crosby, 1989.

Defects are not free. Somebody makes them, and gets paid for making them.

"Out Of The Crisis". Book by W. Edwards Deming, p. 11, 1982.

An object is frequently not seen, from not knowing how to see it, rather than from any defect of the organ of vision.

Charles Babbage (1830). “Reflections on the Decline of Science in England: And on Some of Its Causes, by Charles Babbage (1830). To which is Added On the Alleged Decline of Science in England, by a Foreigner (Gerard Moll) with a Foreword by Michael Faraday (1831).”, p.210

I consider looseness with words no less of a defect than looseness of the bowels.

John Calvin (2002). “The Bondage and Liberation of the Will (Texts and Studies in Reformation and Post-Reformation Thought): A Defence of the Orthodox Doctrine of Human Choice against Pighius”, p.61, Baker Books

The defects of a preacher are soon spied.

Martin Luther, Johann Aurifaber, Anton Lauterbach, Henry Bell (1832). “Luther's Table Talk: Or, Some Choice Fragments from the Familiar Discourse of that Godly, Learned Man, and Famous Champion of God's Truth, Martin Luther”, p.232

One of these grand defects, as I humbly conceive, is this, that children are habituated to learning without understanding.

Jonathan Edwards (1829). “The Works of President Edwards: With a Memoir of His Life”, p.475