Definitions Quotes - Page 20

Lucio Russo, Silvio (translator) Levy (2013). “The Forgotten Revolution: How Science Was Born in 300 BC and Why it Had to Be Reborn”, p.15, Springer Science & Business Media
Kurt Vonnegut (2009). “Bluebeard: A Novel”, p.90, Dial Press
The technical definition of the Holocene has to do with the extinction of a snail species in Sicily.
You don't get to Define me, only I can Define me, all I wish from you is to recognize my Definition.
Hans Christian Von Baeyer (2004). “Information: The New Language of Science”, p.104, Harvard University Press
"Aphorisms". Book by Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. Notebook E 92, 1799.
"Trent's Own Case". Book by E. C. Bentley and H. Warner Allen, Chapter XV: "Eunice Makes a Clean Breast of It", 1936.
Carl von Clausewitz (2016). “On War: Vom Kriege: fog of war”, p.7, Aegitas
If God is Love, He is, by definition, something more than mere kindness.
C. S. Lewis (2009). “The Problem of Pain”, p.23, Harper Collins
deferring gratification is a good definition of being civilized.
Bernice Fitz-Gibbon (1967). “Macy's, Gimbels, and Me: How to Earn $90,000 a Year in Retail Advertising”