Delphi Quotes
"What Paul Bourget Thinks of Us" (1895) See Disraeli 10
Allen Johnson, Edward Samuel Corwin (1926). “The age of Jefferson and Marshall: Part 1: Jefferson and his colleagues, by Allen Johnson. Part 2: John Marshall and the Constitution, by Edward S. Crowin”
Oscar Wilde, General Press (2016). “The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde: Novel, Short Stories, Poetry, Essays and Plays”, p.1023, GENERAL PRESS
John Sergeant Wise, Paul Dennis Sporer (2005). “End of an Era: The Last Days of Traditional Southern Culture as Seen Through the Eyes of a Young Confederate Soldier”, p.24, Anza Publishing
Russell Conwell (2007). “Acres of Diamonds (Business Success Edition)”, p.50, Filiquarian Publishing, LLC.