
Depression Quotes - Page 21

In the larger view the major forces of the depression now lie outside of the United States, and our recuperation has been retarded by the unwarranted degree of fear and apprehension created by these outside forces.

In the larger view the major forces of the depression now lie outside of the United States, and our recuperation has been retarded by the unwarranted degree of fear and apprehension created by these outside forces.

Herbert Hoover, Arnold S. Rice, United States. President (1929-1933 : Hoover) (1971). “Herbert Hoover, 1874-1964; chronology-documents-bibliographical aids”, Oceana Pubns

The world leans on us. When we sag, the whole world seems to droop.

Eric Hoffer (1996). “The Passionate State of Mind”

Financial storm definitely passed.

"False Hope: Famous Quotes During the Great Depression". October 26, 2009.