Herbert Hoover Quotes

Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity.
Herbert Hoover, Ruth Dennis (1995). “The Wit and Wisdom of Herbert Hoover: A Compilation of Many of His Quotations”, Vantage Pr
Herbert Hoover, Arnold S. Rice, United States. President (1929-1933 : Hoover) (1971). “Herbert Hoover, 1874-1964; chronology-documents-bibliographical aids”, Oceana Pubns
Letter to Senator George H. Moses on June 14, 1928. "The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover", volume 2, p. 195, 1952.
Blessed are the young for they shall inherit the national debt.
Herbert Hoover (1938). “Addresses upon the American road”
Herbert Hoover (1938). “Addresses upon the American road”
Herbert Hoover (1938). “Addresses upon the American road”
When there is a lack of honor in government, the morals of the whole people are poisoned.
Herbert Hoover (1955). “Addresses Upon the American Road, 1950-1955”
Herbert Hoover (1929). “The New Day: Campaign Speeches of Herbert Hoover, 1928”, p.167, Stanford University Press
Herbert Hoover (1952). “Memoirs: The great depression, 1929-1941”
The budget should be balanced not by more taxes, but by reduction of follies.
Herbert Hoover (1937*). “American ideals and the New deal ... eight addresses upon pressing national problems”
We must not be misled by the claim that the source of all wisdom is in the government.
United States. President (1929-1933 : Hoover), Herbert Hoover (1974). “Herbert Hoover: Containing the Public Messages, Speeches, and Statements of the President”
Herbert Hoover (1937*). “American ideals and the New deal ... eight addresses upon pressing national problems”
Herbert Hoover (1938). “Addresses upon the American road”
Herbert Hoover, Ruth Dennis (1995). “The Wit and Wisdom of Herbert Hoover: A Compilation of Many of His Quotations”, Vantage Pr
About the time we can make the ends meet, somebody moves the ends.
"The Big Book of Presidents: From George Washington to Barack Obama". Book by Nancy J. Hajeski, 2015.
Being a politician is a poor profession. Being a public servant is a noble one.
"Growing Up: Letters to American Boys & Girls". Book by Herbert Hoover, 1962.
Herbert Hoover (1952). “40 Key Questions about Our Foreign Policy: Answered in Important Addresses and Statements Delivered Between 1941 and 1952”