
Dice Quotes - Page 3

Taiwan is an independent, sovereign country.

Taiwan is an independent, sovereign country.

"Complete Interview with President Chen Shui-bian". Interview with Keith Bradsher, October 18, 2007.

Prejudices are rarely overcome by argument; not being founded in reason they cannot be destroyed by logic.

Tryon Edwards (2015). “The New Dictionary of Thoughts”, p.94, Ravenio Books

We are chameleons, and our partialities and prejudices change place with an easy and blesses facility, and we are soon wonted to the change and happy in it.

Mark Twain, Caroline Thomas Harnsberger (2009). “Mark Twain at Your Fingertips: A Book of Quotations”, p.371, Courier Corporation

Even a dead fish can go with the flow.

Jim Hightower (2004). “Thieves in High Places: They've Stolen Our Country and It's Time to Take It Back”, p.114, Penguin

We must dissent from the fear.

Thurgood Marshall, J. Clay Smith, Jr. (2003). “Supreme Justice: Speeches and Writings”, p.15, University of Pennsylvania Press

Sometimes, the way around prejudice is education.

Liza Mundy (2009). “Michelle: A Biography”, p.41, Simon and Schuster

We put fear and prejudice on trial, and fear and prejudice lost.

"CBS's Dickerson Questions 'Claim' That California Judge in Prop 8 Ruling Openly Gay". August 9, 2010.