Disappointment Quotes - Page 6
Remark at a National Woman's Rights Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1855. "Feminism: The Essential Historical Writings" by Miriam Schnier, 1972.
Abigail Adams, John Adams (1840). “Letters of Mrs. Adams: The Wife of John Adams”, p.5
Zig Ziglar (2000). “Staying Up, Up, Up in a Down, Down World: Daily Hope for the Daily Grind”, Thomas Nelson Inc
Abraham Joshua Heschel (1983). “I Asked for Wonder: A Spiritual Anthology”, Crossroad Publishing Company
Thomas Moore (1992). “Care of the soul: a guide for cultivating depth and sacredness in everyday life”, Harpercollins
Oscar Wilde (1969). “The Artist as Critic: Critical Writings of Oscar Wilde”, p.7, University of Chicago Press
Julian Barnes (1984). “Flaubert's parrot”, Vintage
Demi Lovato (2013). “Staying Strong”, Hachette UK