
Doubt Quotes - Page 35

Cross-examination is beyond any doubt the greatest legal engine ever invented for the discovery of truth. ... Cross-examination, not trial by jury, is the great and permanent contribution of the Anglo-American system of law to improved methods of trial-procedure.

John Henry Wigmore (1923). “A Treatise on the Anglo-American System of Evidence in Trials at Common Law: Including the Statutes and Judicial Decisions of All Jurisdictions of the United States and Canada”

There was a castle called Doubting Castle, the owner whereof was Giant Despair.

John Bunyan, William Mason (of Rotherithe.) (1814). “The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream ... In three parts”, p.127

There is no doubt that a woman's economic empowerment is very much interconnected to her health and the well being of her children.

“'It Takes A Village' And More To Change Lives In Uganda" by Helene D. Gayle, April 10, 2012.

Heresy is only another word for freedom of thought.

"Freedom of Thought". Speech accepting the Jerusalem Prize, April 06, 1981.

There is no doubt that we cannot do without variable quantities in the sense of the potential infinite. But from this very fact the necessity of the actual infinite can be demonstrated.

"'Over the different views with regard to the actual infinite numbers' ('Ueber die verschiedenen Ansichten in Bezug auf die actualunendlichen Zahlen')". Book by Georg Cantor, 1886.