The beauty of dystopia is that it lets us vicariously experience future worlds - but we still have the power to change our own.
Utopian movements produce dystopias.
Is it better for a man to have chosen evil than to have good imposed upon him?
Live every day as if you've come back in time from a dystopian future to try and prevent everything from breaking.
Would we be so enamored with dystopian fiction if we lived in a culture where violent death was a major concern? It wouldn't be escapism.
The future is always a dystopia in movies.
Its a heartening fact about the human race that utopian fiction precedes dystopian fiction in the evolution of literature.
I think the power of image is in mystery - I endlessly create mysteries, by way of this dystopian message, to initiate intrigue.
Kids' literature now is dystopian, you know.