
Earth Quotes - Page 138

The economy of the future might be called the spaceman economy, in which the earth has become a single spaceship, without unlimited reservoirs of anything.

The economy of the future might be called the "spaceman economy," in which the earth has become a single spaceship, without unlimited reservoirs of anything.

Kenneth E. Boulding, Harold J. Barnett, Rene Dubos, Leonard J. Duhl, Ralph Turvey, Roland N. McKean, Allen V. Kneese, M. Mason Gaffney, Gilbert F. White, David Lowenthal, Norton E. Long, Jacob H. Beuscher (1966). “Environmental Quality in a Growing Economy”

Far more than any other power, imagination is what sets human beings apart from every other species on earth.

Ken Robinson Ph.D., Lou Aronica (2009). “The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything”, p.44, Penguin

We should be focused on the Haiti earthquake victims, not on what contracts your company should get, if you're a friend of Bill [Clinton].

"Anderson Cooper Interview With Kellyanne Conway Says Hillary Clinton Has Been Fighting For Herself For 30 Years". Interview With Anderson Cooper,

The atoms of the earth are formed inside of stars. Nothing really dies, everything is transformed.

Kelly Easton (2001). “The Life History of a Star”, p.159, Simon and Schuster

There is nothing more dangerous on planet Earth than a black wife.

"Brother from Another Mother" by Zadie Smith, February 23 & March 2, 2015.

There are three floors beneath the garage? Why on earth?" -Mac

Karen Marie Moning (2016). “The Fever Series 7-Book Bundle: Darkfever, Bloodfever, Faefever, Dreamfever, Shadowfever, Iced, Burned”, p.102, Dell

Secretly, deep down, everybody on Earth believes they can write poetry, apart from the members of the Poets' Guild, who know they can't.

K. J. Parker (2009). “Devices And Desires: The Engineer Trilogy: Book One”, p.219, Hachette UK

By the deficiency or absence of one necessary constituent, all the others being present, the soil is rendered barren for all those crops to the life of which that one constituent is indispensable.

Justus von Liebig (1855). “Principles of agricultural chemistry with special reference to the late researches made in England: By Justus von Liebig. (Ed. by William Gregory)”, p.31

If I had been egotistical about the movies, I have been brought back to earth.

"Not strictly commercial". Interview with Mary McNamara, July 23, 2006.

Nature, in her blind thirst for life has filled every possible cranny of the rotting earth with some sort of fantastic creature.

Joseph Wood Krutch (1980). “A Krutch omnibus: forty years of social and literary criticism”, William Morrow &Company

Man must be a co-worker with God in making this earth a garden.

Joseph Herman Hertz (1996). “ספר חמשה חומשי תורה עם ההפטרות: נדפס על פי המסורה ומתורגם אנגלית”

There is many a rich stone laid up in the bowels of the earth, many a fair pearl laid up in the bosom of the sea, that never was seen, nor never shall be.

Joseph Hall (1860). “Contemplations on the Historical Passages of the Old and New Testaments”, p.65

The development of the telescope, together with increased knowledge of things, brought men to see that the earth is not what man had once thought it to be.

Joseph Franklin Rutherford (1928). “Reconciliation: a plain statement of the gracious provision Jehovah has made to bring all men into full harmony with Himself that the obedient ones may have everlasting life on earth in contentment and complete happiness”

There is not on earth a spectacle more worthy the regard of a Creator intent on his works, than a brave man superior to his sufferings.

"The Evidences of the Christian Religion: To which are Added, Several Discourses Against Atheism and Infidelity, and in Defence of the Christian Revelation".