Equality Quotes - Page 6

Equality may be a right, but no power on earth can convert it into fact.
"La Duchesse de Langeais". Essay by Honore de Balzac (1834), published in "Oeuvres completes de H. de Balzac" ("Complete works of Balzac") published by A. Houssiaux (Part II, pp. 111-235), translated by Ellen Marriage, 1855.
Sade (marquis de), Marquis de Sade (1987). “The 120 days of Sodom and other writings”, Grove Pr
Letter to Colonel Edward Carrington, 16 January 1787
Benedetto Croce (1942). “Freedom: Its Meaning”
Third Annual Message to Congress, 7 Dec. 1903. "No one is above the law" appears in the U.S. Supreme Court case Mississippi v. Johnson (1867) (arguments of counsel). Even earlier, "no officer ... is above the law" is found in a Kentucky Supreme Court case, Johnston v. Commonwealth (1809).
Robert Green Ingersoll (1907). “The works of Robert G. Ingersoll”, p.973, Library of Alexandria
Dr. Seuss (1995). “Six by Seuss”, Prop Pub Juv
It is a wise man who said that there is no greater inequality than the equal treatment of unequals.
Dennis v. United States (dissenting opinion) (1950)
The uses of government should be to foster, protect and promote the possession of equality.
Victoria Claflin Woodhull (1974). “The Victoria Woodhull Reader”, Weston, Mass. : M&S Press