
Faces Quotes - Page 39

My face has been tucked in more times than a bedsheet at the Holiday Inn.

My face has been tucked in more times than a bedsheet at the Holiday Inn.

"Joan Rivers dies: Celebrate comedian's life with her 80 bitchiest putdowns and funniest one-liners" by Steve Anglesey and Carl Greenwood, September 04, 2014.

Nothing is more beautiful than cheerfulness in an old face.

Jean Paul (1863). “Titan: A Romance. From the German of Jean Paul Richter”, p.375

We only see in a lifetime a dozen faces marked with the peace of a contented spirit.

Henry Ward Beecher, William Drysdale (1887). “Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit”

I changed the face of comedy. I used to be funny.

Interview with John DeBellis, February 28, 2009.

A forbidden writing is thought to be a certain spark of truth, that flies up in the face of them who seek to tread it out.

Francis Bacon, John Milton (2010). “Essays, Civil and Moral Aeropagitica Religio Medici”, p.228, Cosimo, Inc.

The faces of most American women over thirty are relief maps of petulant and bewildered unhappiness.

F. Scott Fitzgerald (2009). “The Crack-Up”, p.306, New Directions Publishing

Old words are reborn with new faces.

Criss Jami (2015). “Killosophy”, p.64, Criss Jami