Favour Quotes - Page 5

Matthew Henry, Noah Webster (2018). “Matthew Henry Study Bible - Revised King James Version”, Importantia Publishing
Personally I am in favour of education but a university is not the place for it.
Tom Stoppard (2014). “The Invention of Love”, p.17, Grove/Atlantic, Inc.
Suzanne Collins (2012). “The Hunger Games”, p.235, Scholastic
Samuel Johnson, Hester Lynch Piozzi, James Boswell (1828). “The Beauties of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.: Consisting of Maxims and Observations, Moral, Critical, and Miscellaneous: to which are Now Added Biographical Anecdotes of the Doctor, Selected from the Works of Mrs. Piozzi;--his Life, Recently Published by Mr. Boswell, and Other Authentic Testimonies; Also His Will, and the Sermon He Wrote for the Late Doctor Dodd”, p.181
I had not to this time subsisted, but that I was supported by your frequent courtesies and favours.
Philip Massinger, John Ford (1840). “The Dramatic Works of Massinger and Ford. With an Introduction, by Hartley Coleridge”, p.189