
Firsts Quotes - Page 83

My rule is always, People first and things second.


We can only know in the nervous system what we have known in behavior first.

Julian Jaynes (2000). “The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind”, p.28, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

All is beautiful and unceasing, all is music and reason, and all, like diamond, is carbon first, then light.

"José Martí : Selected Writings", by Jose Marti, translated by Esther Allen, (p. 275), 2002.

Justice is the first virtue of social institutions.

John Rawls (2009). “A Theory of Justice”, p.3, Harvard University Press

The first essence of journalism is to know what you want to know, the second, is to find out who will tell you.

John Gunther (1962). “A fragment of autobiography: the fun of writing the inside books”