
Framework Quotes

The more you learn, the more you have a framework that the knowledge fits into.

"Bill Gates 2.0". Interview with Charlie Rose, May 12, 2013.

Every theory is a self-fulfilling prophecy that orders experience into the framework it provides.

Ruth Hubbard, Mary Sue Henifin, Barbara Fried (1982). “Biological woman--the convenient myth: a collection of feminist essays and a comprehensive bibliography”, Schenkman Books

Love is too large, too deep ever to be truly understood or measured or limited within the framework of words.

M. Scott Peck (2002). “The Road Less Traveled, 25th Anniversary Edition: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values, and Spiritual Growth”, p.81, Simon and Schuster

Politics is the activity by which the framework of human life is sustained; it is not life itself.

Kenneth Minogue (2000). “Politics: A Very Short Introduction”, p.13, Oxford Paperbacks

You will not understand your part within the framework of nature until you actually see yourselves in danger of tearing it apart.

Jane Roberts, Seth (1972). “Seth speaks: the eternal validity of the soul”, Bookthrift Co

Beatles was 20th-century folksong in the framework of capitalism; they couldn't do anything different if they wanted to communicate within that framework.

"The Lost John Lennon Interview". Interview with Tariq Ali, Robin Blackburn, December 8, 2005.