Even in front of nature one must compose.
When you're working in front of an audience, you have incentive to excel.
I don't even like to be naked in front of myself!
We all know it's brutal up there at the front, especially those of us at the rear.
Don't ever put a guy in front of your friends. Friends are most important. And don't make a guy more important than yourself.
I'm mad in the front of my mind, but business-minded in the back.
Maybe it's just hart to see what's right in front of you while you're frantically searching for it.
I’d like to go out in the front yard and shout something. “None of this is worth it!” That’s what I’d like people to hear.
Tallulah [Bankhead] never beat about the bush - she'd gossip about you in front of your back!
Lead from the front - but don t leave your base behind.
I do not like being in front of the camera.
The happiest stutterers, I learned, are those who are willing to stutter in front of others.
I was always the front man for what I was doing from when I was 6.
Somehow it helps just to take something that's internal and externalize it, to see it in front of you.
I feel more comfortable in front of a camera than anywhere else.
Get up there, where 'there' is . . . get up in front and . . . preach your guts out!
Dangle something in front of the camera. Get something surprising to be released.
I don't like to be in front of the camera - my place is behind the camera.
It is in front of the the paper that the artist creates himself.
I am not altogether displeased with the shirt-front.
I'm not somebody who throws myself out in front of things.
It's always weird the thought of taking your clothes off in front of 20 people and then to have it projected in front of many more.
If you can see your path clearly in front of you, it's probably someone else's.
I put myself in front of people who can say yes to me, and I deliver value first.
Being up front is the only place to be.