Life isn't black and white. It's a million gray areas, don't you find?
Part of me longs to do a job where there's not a gray area.
I love the gray area between right and wrong.
Henry Miller wrote novels, but he calls his protagonist Henry, often Henry Miller, and his books are in this gray area between memoir and novel.
In every thriller written about Washington, particularly after 9/11, there are good guys and there are bad guys, and there's no gray area at all.
There's a gigantic gray area between good moral behavior and outright felonious activities. I call that the Weasel Zone and it's where most of life happens.
Winning takes precedence over all. There's no gray area. No almosts.
The discrepancy between what actually happened and the version of what happened provided by sources is an enormous gray area.
There's a lot of gray area in the law. Who can say, without a doubt, that I was in the wrong?
As a reader I gravitate toward work that rests in the gray area, that doesn't come with easy answers.