In making a web video series number one, you need to have a script that you think is really funny, and it's true to yourself. I think some people use things as a stepping stone, and they want to please people and show them, "Hey, I can do hip guys in Judd Apatow style," and it's not true to them. If there's something you know about, like motorcycles, do something about motorcycles first. Do something that's really true to yourself and find a voice, and make the script as good as possible.
We knew how important it was to have a DP, because most web videos are horrible, because they shoot against a white apartment wall with no directional mic, you know? Those simple things, like knowing you have to have a sound guy, and that a YouTube video needs as much color as possible.
I don't want to spoon-feed the audience, like, "This is the funny guy, this is one you hate, this is the one you like." A lot of movies do that. They don't really give you a choice. They show you the jock, and he's an idiot, and everybody has to hate him. You have no choice.
In another life, I would love to be the art guy - a production designer or a maybe even a composer.
To impress me, a guy has to be completely unaffected by my presence. If he wants to talk to me, talk to me; if he doesn't, don't.
When you refuse to fight guys because you say you are better than them, that is not really being the best. If I could just fight certain fighters that fit my style, I would look great in all of them.
There are a lot of times I have seen someone fight, and I think the guy is tailor made for me until they actually get in the ring with me. Fighters that are more aggressive match up better with me. There is really no defense when a guy is trying to get you. When a guy is trying to get you, you cannot get him, which makes the most compelling fight.
I'm just gonna make movies the best I can, do the festival thing or whatever can come. I plan on working with a lot of the same guys over and over again. I hope the majority of us can stick together.
A lot of what you do is about how you look. You're a good-looking guy who plays music, and you can't do anything about what happens because of that. If people say, "He's cute. I'm going to go buy his album," hopefully they'll like the music, too.
I'm a fabulous date, I make sure I look good, I like hearing what a guy has to say and I make sure the evening is a real laugh. I like to laugh.
I love to be pursued. I think that when you're not a challenge, it's just nnot as fun for the guy.
I'm not a joke guy; I'm not a stand-up comic.
As far as big egos, there are definitely guys out there that just think God only knows what about themselves.
How to make a scary movie human, take a movie like Sinister. How can I make that guy so real so that the scary elements of it are more scary and it functions as a genre movie - as the way it's supposed to, you want to hear a ghost story at midnight, that's a good one - but how do you fill it up with humanity inside, in staying true to the genre? You know? Does that make sense?
I like smoking pot, but I'm not the kind of guy who smokes every day.
It would be very tempting to say that why paint because we have Michelangelo, we have Leonardo [Da Vinci], we have all these guys. Why waste your time, because most likely you're not going to be on that level anyway.
If you think of the history, in the days of Brahms and Beethoven and all these guys, almost every concert was a new music concert. To play something old was really an exception.
I was just starting out, trying to become a screenwriter, and I became the Austin slam champion three times. For a nerdy, kind of a socially awkward guy, that did wonders for my self esteem.
I've worked for years with Michael Kors, and he's just like this funny, charismatic guy.
As a future goal, I just want to be one of those guys that is known.
I am a young guy, but I have a winning mentality.
I want to be that counted-on guy to score goals.
I haven't seen one guy beat five people yet. It needs to be done collectively.
My first four roles were all nice guys, Raggedy Man being one of them.
Every single fighter I've ever been in with, including the guys who beat me, I have hurt.