Heart Quotes - Page 127

Adolf Galland (1954). “The first and the last: the rise and fall of the German fighter forces, 1938-1945”
Yasunari Kawabata (2013). “Snow Country”, p.157, Vintage
Romance is the sweetening of the soul With fragrance offered by the stricken heart.
Wole Soyinka (1973). “Collected Plays”, p.10, London ; New York : Oxford University Press
"The Shack". Book by William P. Young, May, 2007.
Washington Irving (2013). “The Sketch Book Of Geoffrey Crayon”, p.111, Jazzybee Verlag
Thomas Sowell (2013). “Controversial Essays”, p.315, Hoover Press
Devils can be driven out of the heart by the touch of a hand on a hand, or a mouth on a mouth.
Tennessee Williams (1971). “The Theatre of Tennessee Williams: The milk train doesn't stop here anymore. Kingdom of Earth (The seven descents of Myrtle). Small craft warnings. The two-character play”, p.85, New Directions Publishing
Tammara Webber (2011). “Good For You”, p.245, Tammara Webber
Robert Fulghum (1999). “Robert Fulghum's All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten”, p.99, Dramatic Publishing
Richard Wagner (1873). “Beethoven”, p.16, Indianapolis : Benham Bros.
Richard Paul Evans (2012). “Miles to Go: The Second Journal of the Walk Series”, p.226, Simon and Schuster