I'm 27 years old. I'm going to go into Hollywood really arrogant. I'll be breaking a lot of rules. It's going to be hot.
Big movies are fun and it`s great to fly on private jets and make a lot of money and all the things that are connected with Hollywood, but they take a lot of your own life.
I am a hybrid. I do independent films and also do Hollywood films - I love them both.
A great screenplay is the most powerful bait in Hollywood.
In Hollywood, women hate each other.
no one ever really leaves Hollywood. No one really leaves unless they are called away by God. Even then, the impulse would be to come back again and make a movie about the experience.
No one has a closest friend in Hollywood.
Just as many people flee Hollywood as those who flock to it. Hollywood can be an acquired taste.
Any man in Hollywood will meet me if I want that. No, make that any man anywhere.
I'm fed up with the idiots... the ever-widening gap between people who know how to make movies and the people who green-light the movies.
To be honest, you have to do a big Hollywood film to get enough money to do a good independent film!
Hollywood Joohn Tatum? He does at least 6,000 sit ups and 10,000 pushups a day!
No, I'm not a Republican working in Hollywood, I am a Democrat.
I don't want to see pictures of Hollywood stars in their dressing gowns taking out the rubbish. It ruins the fantasy.
Thank you to every American who has not sued me so far.
I literally get up and get to do the one thing I dreamed about doing every day. And that is being a part of a television show and a radio show that is based in Hollywood.
Hollywood is so strange because a lot of times the battlefield is just a meeting. It's not necessarily like an audition. They've seen clips of you and they know that you can perform and it's a matter of "what is your take on a character"?
For the most part Hollywood is a world of imagination.
Hollywood usually doesn't have strong woman in films like that, and it's stupid, so for the most part they're usually being directed and written by men.
Hollywood is my domestic idyll.
I get bored in Hollywood.
There's a rule in Hollywood: stay away from water and stay away from snow, and I had both.
In Hollywood, 'under development' means 'all I have is the title.'
That wasn't an ending. It was just a stopping point.
Hollywood called just as I crested thirty. My novels did not and still do not interest them, but my writing ability did.