Human Nature Quotes - Page 10
Reagan, Ronald (1982). “Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Ronald Reagan, 1981”, p.845, Best Books on
Ogden Nash (1941). “The face is familiar: the selected verse of Ogden Nash”, Garden City publishing company, inc
Thus first of all in His own person He sanctified, restored, and blessed human nature.
Martin Chemnitz (1979). “De Coena Domini”
A rational nature admits of nothing but what is serviceable to the rest of mankind.
Marcus Aurelius (Emperor of Rome), AndrĂ© Dacier, Thomas Gataker (1701). “The Emperor-Marcus Antonius: his conversation with himself. together with the preliminary discourse of the learned Gataker”, p.180
Loren Eiseley (2016). “The Unexpected Universe: A Library of America eBook Classic”, p.153, Library of America
Lord Byron (2015). “Don Juan”, p.29, Xist Publishing
The business of philosophy is to circumnavigate human nature.
Julius Charles Hare, Augustus William Hare (1861). “Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers: From the Fifth London Ed”, p.434
James Denney (1895). “Studies in Theology: Lectures Delivered in Chicago Theological Seminary”
J.C. Ryle (2015). “Bible Commentary - The Gospel of Luke”, p.74, Editora Dracaena
Henry George, Kenneth C. Wenzer (1997). “An Anthology of Henry George's Thought”, p.2, University Rochester Press
In so complex a thing as human nature, we must consider it is hard to find rules without exception.
GEORGE ELIOT (1860). “ADAM BEDE”, p.298
Francis Quarles (1857). “Emblems: Divine and Moral”, p.7