
John Godfrey Saxe Quotes

At Learning's fountain it is sweet to drink, But 'tis a nobler privilege to think.

John Godfrey Saxe (1860). “The Money-king: And Other Poems”, p.171

Old Care has a mortgage on every estate, And that's what you pay for the wealth that you get.

John Godfrey Saxe (1872). “The Poems: Complete in One Volume”, p.11

Long pains are light ones, Cruel ones are brief!

John Godfrey Saxe (1872). “The Poems: Complete in One Volume”, p.18

The wise may find in trifles light as atoms in the air, some useful lesson to enrich the mind.

John Godfrey Saxe (1873). “The Poems of John Godfrey Saxe”, p.334