Ideas Quotes - Page 250
John Wanamaker (1923). “Maxims of Life and Business”
Now that I am sixty, I see why the idea of elder wisdom has passed from currency.
1992 In the New Yorker, Nov.
John Stuart Mill (2008). “Utilitarianism and On Liberty: Including 'Essay on Bentham' and Selections from the Writings of Jeremy Bentham and John Austin”, p.65, John Wiley & Sons
John Stuart Mill (1858). “A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive: Being a Connected View of the Principles of Evidence and the Methods of Scientific Investigation”, p.203
John Sterling (1848). “Essays and Tales: Fragments from the travels of Theodore Elbert. Thoughts. Tales and apologues”, p.109
John Steinbeck (1990). “Journal of a Novel: The East of Eden Letters”, p.157, Penguin
John Locke (1836). “An Essay Concerning Human Understanding”, p.530
John Locke (1836). “An Essay Concerning Human Understanding”, p.86
The enemy of the conventional wisdom is not ideas but the march of events.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1998). “The Affluent Society”, p.11, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt