The President would usually talk to me about matters relating to the immigration problem.
[Donald] Trump has quietly rolled out an immigration plan with specifics and everyone wants specifics. He's got immigration with specifics, a black and Hispanic outreach plan with specifics.
I think that was the smartest thing [immigration policy], he [Donald Trump] is done in his whole campaign there .
After this interview, I'm going to immigration to try to sort out my Green Card, just like any other normal person.
Mitt Romney's primary season embrace of the social and economic agenda of the more rabid elements of his party doomed him, especially the shrill immigration rhetoric and the harshly insensitive theory that no additional sacrifice or contribution should be sought from those at the top.
Our Muslim friends must learn from previous waves of immigration.
There's a tendency for people who believe passionately in something to be so convinced of their rightness that if they just repeat themselves a lot at the person, that will convince them. And that hasn't worked on things like immigration or trade deals.
Unlicensed, illegal immigrants are the safest drivers on the road.
We will reform legal immigration to serve the best interests of America and its workers, the forgotten people - workers. We`re going to take care of our workers. We`re going to renegotiate trade deals. We`re going to bring our jobs back home.
There is only one core issue in the immigration debate, and that issue is the well being of the American people.
To fix our immigration system, we must change our leadership in Washington and we must change it quickly. Sadly, sadly there is no other way. The truth is our immigration system is worse than anybody ever realized.
I'm going to deliver a detailed policy address on one of the greatest challenges facing our country today, illegal immigration.
Illegal immigration is going to stop. It's dangerous.
Hillary Clinton will be very weak on the border. She wants people just to flow in terms of illegal immigration. People are going to flow into the country. And it's going to be a disaster.
Let me tell you who the immigration system in America does not serve. It does not serve you the American people.
When politicians talk about immigration reform, they usually mean the following, amnesty, open borders, lower wages. Immigration reform should mean something else entirely. It should mean improvements to our laws and policies to make life better for American citizens.
To fix our immigration system, we must change our leadership in Washington and we must change it quickly. Sadly, sadly there is no other way.
My every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs will be made to benefit American workers and American families.
According to the National Academy of Sciences, our current immigration system costs America's taxpayers many billions of dollars a year.
The establishment of our new lawful immigration system then and only then will we be in a position to consider the appropriate disposition of those individuals who remain.
Those who have left to seek entry under this new system - and it will be an efficient system - will not be awarded surplus visas, but will have to apply for entry under the immigration caps or limits that will be established in the future.
[We need] to keep immigration levels measured by population share within historical norms.
We will reform legal immigration to serve the best interests of America and its workers, the forgotten people. Workers. We're going to take care of our workers.
That is why immigration limits are established in the first place. If we only enforced the laws against crime, then we have an open border to the entire world. We will enforce all of our immigration laws.
While Hillary Clinton meets only with donors and lobbyists, my plan was crafted with the input from Federal Immigration offices, very great people.