People don't like to read text on computer screens (and reading a lot of text on iPod screens gets very tiring very soon, just about as soon as running out of battery power).
The value of science is not simply what the next model of the iPod you will buy next week, but its real value comes about when it's time to distinguish reality from everything else. And to be scientifically literate is to be trained in what it is, to recognize your own frailty as a data-taking device.
I've got a full plate, yes I do. That iPod that's nice. A phone recorder? Nicely done. All right I'm a bit of a tech geek. I have a subscription to Popular Science and I keep up on all this stuff.
For me, the creative process for me always starts in a personal place. I step away from my iPod or any records or CDs.
I don't go anywhere without my iPod, laptop and at least one book.
It used to be when a good record was about to drop you heard it out of every car and every kid with a boom box was playing it 3-4 weeks before it came out. Now it's not like that you just see ipods left and right and there's no anticipation factor. I have yet to see something drop with the anticipation that Illmatic had or that Ready 2 Die and Cuban Linx had. Those records had real anticipation factors.
Everyone's attention span these days is limited to how long it takes to flick the iPod wheel on to the next song.
When I'm driving I should make more of an effort with my iPod, but I'm too lazy to organise a playlist.
The advent of the mobile phone was a disaster. We are forced to listen, open-mouthed, to other people's intimate conversations. Increasingly, we are all in our virtual bubbles when we are out in public, whether we are texting, listening to iPods, reading or just staring dangerously at other people.
I went to Clive Davis' Grammy party, and I nearly spontaneously combusted because everyone on my iPod was there!
Under [Tim] Cook, Apple has a new product line with the Apple Watch, but it hasn't generated the kind of excitement that the iPod, iPhone or iPad did. Still, Cook can't be called a failure. Under his leadership, the company released a larger version of the iPhone to record sales.
Two must-haves for me are a great book and my iPod.
A lot of guys are out there with their iPods. I'm not one of them. I just never really got into it.
The iPhone revolutionised the mobile industry, rather like the iPod before it with the personal music player.
I had an all-Fear of Music iPod, just versions of the 11 songs from the record. No other songs allowed.
The iPod is a perfect example of Steve's [Jobs] methodology of starting with the user and looking at the entire end-to-end system.
A lot of things went incredibly well for 'Scrubs': from a ridiculous number of downloads on the iPods, to whenever they issue a new season on DVD it kinda sells out, and we got nominated for an Emmy. To be picked up for six years is all gravy, man.
I carry my iPod everywhere. My favorite group is the John Butler Trio, an Australian jam band. The lead singer and guitarist writes amazing lyrics.
I listen a lot to my own music when I'm in the process of making it. In the car, in the kitchen while making food, on my iPod when I go shopping, etc. I listen to it as much as possible, and if I get tired of listening to it, it's not good enough, and I leave it unreleased.
I've bought more music for my Ipod in one year than I bought in the last ten years of my life.
So I think things are going to get closer and closer to each other, because the screens will force that to happen. I think there are a lot of movies that people will only see on their computers or their iPods.
I think there's something thrilling about going into a movie house and seeing everything on such a huge screen. I think we're in a culture now that is confronted with various sizes of screens, the biggest movie houses and then the smallest iPods.
I don't have an iPod! It's never appealed to me, really.
iPod liberalism [is] where we assume that every single Iranian or Chinese who happens to have and love his iPod will also love liberal democracy.
If you looked at my iPod, you would get a trip out of all the different music, from the real heavy metal to bluegrass to classical.