Islam Quotes - Page 8
"If Sanctions Are Imposed on Syria, the Entire World Will Pay the Price". Memri TV, December 2005.
Arnold J. Toynbee (1949). “Civilization on Trial”
In the Islamic Republic the rights of the religious minorities are respectfully regarded.
Interview for Austrian television in Paris (November 6, 1978), as quoted in "Democracy? I meant theocracy - The most truthful individual in recent history" by Dr. Jalal Matini and Farhad Mafie in "The Iranian", August 5, 2003.
A New Beginning: Speech at Cairo University, delivered 4 June 2009, Cairo, Egypt
Ruhollah Khomeini's speech on November 9, 1978, as quoted in "The Most Truthful Individual in Recent History" in "Iranshenasi", Volume XIV, No. 4, as translated by Farhad Mafie, Winter 2003.