Selfless giving means forgeting about yourself. It means letting go and doing something crazy.
There's always someone to help, there's always some way in which you can perfect yourself through service to others.
We are inspired by the God that we see in others and suddenly we find ourselves changing. We find ourselves giving more. We find that our lives become rather amazingly beautiful.
One day after many, many lifetimes, we get wise. We decide that the fun in life is to give.
You could sit around and feel sorry for yourself or you can go out and do things for others.
When you're going though a difficult time, forget about yourself for a while. Go do something for someone else. This is the fastest way to pull yourself out of a negative state.
If your're not having a very good time with your life, its because you haven't done much for others. You may have done many things but you havent done much for those around you.
The best mantrum is selfless giving beause as you repeat it again and again, you change.
Having a tough time, things aren't working out no matter what you try and do? That's because you are spending your whole life just doing things for yourself. That's a very limited view of your being.
We see the one light, the one unified reality that we see in others, is the same reality that is within ourselves. We are one with all of existence.
Nature gives constantly to us. We as indendepent egos think we're important. Selfless giving has to do with overcoming the ego. The ego makes us unhappy.
Life itself is selfless giving. We're not given this life just for own amusement and pleasures.
If you just keep giving constantly, if you don't really take thought of your own welfare and your own awareness, but just give, beyond exhaustion - then your life will always be a constant progression.
Think of a star. A star burns its very substance to give light to others. You need to be like a star.
Eternity gives life to all and sustains all, transforms all on the wheel of dharma - until all attain perfection.
Everyone is part of you.
Finally, we see that there is no one and nothing but God.
Then we see that the same God is within ourselves.
We preceive that God is in all of those we give to.
Selfless giving changes our concept of our identity. When we give to others our unselfishness removes the spot of "self" that stained our awareness.
If your life is based around your being comfortable, you're not very comfortable. You suffer quite a bit - becuase in the realm of the senses there is not only pleasure, but there is pain.
Feeling "comfortable" is the short path to annihilation.
So when we wake from the ignorance of this world, the dream of existence, all of the experiences that we have ever had fall away. The ideas of life and death, of rebirth, of reincarnation, karma, God, truth, knowledge - all these things fall away.
What a man must do is realize that his continued belief in the inferiority of women is going to produce a type of karma that is going to hold him back, and already has.
If even one woman in the West were to become enlightened, it would change karmas on this planet.