Law Of Attraction Quotes - Page 4

William Walker Atkinson (2016). “THOUGHT VIBRATION - The Law of Attraction in the Thought World (Unabridged): From the American pioneer of the New Thought movement, known for Practical Mental Influence, The Secret of Success, The Arcane Teachings, Nuggets of the New Thought, Reincarnation and the Law of Karma”, p.50, e-artnow
Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill, Rebecca R. Merrill (1995). “First Things First”, p.56, Simon and Schuster
Michael Losier (2009). “Law of Attraction”, p.16, Hachette UK
Charles F. Haanel, Donald Gordon Carty (2013). “The Master Key System: 2nd Edition: Open the Secret to Health, Wealth and Love, 24 Lesson Workbook”, p.201, Lulu Press, Inc
The universe likes SPEED. Don't delay, don't second-guess, don't doubt.
Rhonda Byrne (2011). “The Secret”, p.55, Simon and Schuster
Neville Goddard “Neville's Spiritual Classics”,
Robert Collier (2013). “The Secret of the Ages: The Secret Edition - Open Your Heart to the Real Power and Magic of Living Faith and Let the Heaven Be in You, Go Deep Inside Yourself and Back, Feel the Crazy and Divine Love and Live for Your Dreams”, p.83, Lulu Press, Inc
Love is not a matter of what happens in life. It's a matter of what's happening in your heart.
Ken Keyes, Jr. (2010). “Three Prescriptions for Happiness”, p.84, Axios Press
Rhonda Byrne (2011). “The Secret”, p.172, Simon and Schuster
Deepak Chopra (2007). “The Essential Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire: The Essence of Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence”, p.111, Harmony
The arrow always tipped with ill nature and sarcasm is deadliest to him who sends it.
Prentice Mulford (2016). “Thoughts are Things”, p.26, Prentice Mulford
Your thoughts are seeds, and the harvest you reap will depend on the seeds you plant.
Rhonda Byrne (2012). “THE MAGIC”, p.229, Simon and Schuster
Rhonda Byrne (2011). “The Power”, p.54, Simon and Schuster
Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
Napoleon Hill (2015). “Think and grow rich: Brazilian edition”, p.47, CDG Edições e Publicações LTDA