
Love Is Quotes - Page 109

To love is to be faithful to those who cheat on us.

"Teatro Quase Completo" by Nelson Rodrigues, Tempo Brasileiro, (p. 440), 1965.

True love isn’t easy, but it must be fought for. Once you find it, it can never be replaced. – Unknown

Monica Murphy (2016). “The Drew + Fable Series 4-Book Bundle: One Week Girlfriend, Second Chance Boyfriend, Three Broken Promises, Four Years Later”, p.371, Bantam

Love is richest, most genuine, and most long lasting when you focus on being yourself and doing everything you can to make it possible for the other person to be him- or herself.

Mira Kirshenbaum (2005). “Everything Happens for a Reason: Finding the True Meaning of the Events in Our Lives”, p.160, Harmony