Lying Quotes - Page 194
Eugen Herrigel (1964). “Zen”
Title of translation of his novel Im Westen nichts Neues (Nothing New in the West, 1929). Cf. the title of a poem by Ethel L. Beers: All Quiet along the Potomac (1861)
Eric Maisel (1996). “Affirmations for Artists”, Tarcher
Eqbal Ahmad, David Barsamian (2000). “Eqbal Ahmad, Confronting Empire: Interviews with David Barsamian”, p.51, South End Press
Enid Bagnold (1970). “Four plays”
There is no comfort looking forth nor back, The present gives the lie to all her past.
Emma Lazarus (2002). “Emma Lazarus: Selected Poems and Other Writings”, p.47, Broadview Press
Tell all the Truth, but tell it slant/Success in Circuit lies.
c.1868 Complete Poems, no.1129 (first published 1945).
Emily Carr (2009). “Hundreds and Thousands: The Journals of Emily Carr”, p.52, D & M Publishers
Never to lie is to have no lock on your door, you are never wholly alone.
ELIZABETH BOWEN (1935). “The House in Paris”
Elizabeth Bowen (1938). “The death of the heart”, Viking Pr
I trow that countenance cannot lie,Whose thoughts are legible in the eie.
Edmund Spenser (1882). “The Complete Works in Verse and Prose: Essays. Daphnaida. Colin Clouts come home again. Amoretti and Epithalamion. Fowre hymnes. Prothalamion. Astrophel, etc., and Sonnets”
Edmund Burke (1871). “The Works of the Right Honorable Edmund Burke”, p.154