Lying Quotes - Page 210
"A Joseph Campbell Companion: Reflections on the Art of Living". Book edited by Diane K. Osbon, 1991.
Jonathan Safran Foer (2010). “Eating Animals”, p.212, Penguin UK
John Wooden (2011). “Wooden: A Legacy in Words and Images (EBOOK)”, p.7, McGraw-Hill Professional
The church lies at the very center of the eternal purpose of God. It is not a divine afterthought.
John Stott (2012). “The Living Church”, p.15, SPCK
John Steinbeck (2002). “East of Eden”, p.67, Penguin
John Owen (1991). “The Works of John Owen”
John O'Hara (2013). “Appointment in Samarra: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)”, p.15, Penguin
Gary Snyder, Tom Killion, John Muir (2002). “The High Sierra of California”
John Locke (1828). “An essay concerning human understanding ... The twentieth edition, etc”, p.100
John Bunyan (1847). “The Pilgrim's Progress: In Two Parts”, p.279
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1963). “Goethe's world view: presented in his reflections and maxims”
The mingled incentives which lead to action are often too subtle and lie too deep for us to analyze.
Jodi Picoult (2009). “My Sister's Keeper: A Novel”, p.446, Simon and Schuster