We will continue to see a convergence of the digital and physical world. Those who conquer that trend will be market leaders.
Our mail product, Hotmail, is the market leader globally.
Breaking the rules and challenging convention is in the DNA of every successful entrepreneur. Doing things differently and solving problems with new, innovative and fresh approaches are the very reason many start-ups are able to compete and sometimes outpace the established market leaders.
Market leaders continually chart the changing waters.
All disruptive innovators make it easier and more affordable for people to do what matters to them, and follow a strategy that doesn't at first glance make sense to the market leader.
The Internet rewards scale; by trading higher up-front costs for lower marginal cost, market leaders can invest in better technology and service. As a result, there is nothing online that is both great in quality and small in scale. Amazon wasn't originally a better bookstore than the small shops we mourn, but it is now.
Market leaders inevitably slip into decline when they tell the people what they want instead of giving the people what they want.