
John Katzman Quotes

I hated being a public company CEO.

"Founder Of The Princeton Review: 'I Hated Being A Public Company CEO'" by Alexandra Mondalek, July 17, 2013.

Almost everyone who has claimed to know what kids need to learn or how they learn has turned out to be wrong.

"Bringing Free Market Choices to Education" by John Katzman, March 28, 2013.

I think a good entrepreneur has a very clear grasp of what the goal is, an unwavering sense of the goal, an utterly agile approach of getting there.

"Founder Of The Princeton Review: 'I Hated Being A Public Company CEO'" by Alexandra Mondalek, July 17, 2013.

Exciting discoveries in neuroscience are allowing us to fit educational methods to new understandings of how the brain develops.

"Bringing Free Market Choices to Education" by John Katzman, March 28, 2013.